Shirley Snyder
Senior Web Designer
Phone: 0979380948
Szektor: Accounting / Finance
Member Since, 2017.12.04.About Me
Academic Level Associate
Age 18 - 22 Years
Salary 1850
Gender Male
Industry Seo
About me
Hello my name is Ariana Gande Connor and I’m a Financial Supervisor from Netherlands, Rotterdam. In pharetra orci dignissim, blandit mi semper, ultricies diam. Suspendisse malesuada suscipit nunc non volutpat. Sed porta nulla id orci laoreet tempor non consequat enim. Sed vitae aliquam velit. Aliquam ante accumsan ac est.
Integer vehicula rhoncus molestie. Morbi ornare ipsum sed sem condimentum, et pulvinar tortor luctus. Suspendisse condimentum lorem ut elementum aliquam. Mauris nec erat ut libero vulputate pulvinar. Aliquam ante erat, blandit at pretium et, accumsan ac est. Integer vehicula rhoncus molestie. Morbi ornare ipsum sed sem condimentum, et pulvinar tortor luctus. Suspendisse condimentum lorem ut elementum aliquam. Mauris nec.
Masters in Fine Arts (2002 - 2004) Walters University
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Tommers College (2012 - 2015) Glibe University
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Diploma in Fine Arts (2012 - 2015) Miles College
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Work & Experience
Atract Solutions (2012 - 2013 ) Development Manager
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Barde Workers (2014 - 2016 ) Senior Php Developer
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(2016 - 2017 ) Self Employed Professional
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Honors & awards
2017 Distinguished Service Award
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2016 Robin Milner Young Researcher Award
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2015 Doctoral Dissertation Award
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2014 Programming Languages Achievement
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